A student in my weekly Yin/Yoga Nidra class has this to say about Yoga Nidra in her life:
"In today's busy world with its abundance of
chronic stress, exhaustion and over-stimulation, I find Yoga Nidra is
absolutely essential for rejuvenation and relaxation. Jasmine's gentle
calm and soothing voice and presence helps me melt away accumulated stress and
calm my jumpy nervous system. Attending this class regularly allows me to
sleep better, think more clearly and experience more love and joy in life.
It fills my cup!" -Susan
If you're interested in the research behind Yoga Nidra, take a look at the studies cited by the Integrative Restoration Institute, a pioneering program bringing a specific protocol of Yoga Nidra techniques into Veteran's and Military hospitals. Meanwhile, here's some information on the effects of the Theta brainwave state that is induced by the practice of Yoga Nidra:
Theta brainwaves
If you're interested in finding out more about Theta brain waves, here's an internet article that talks about this deep restful healing state in a very approachable style, and cites experts to boot!
If you're interested in the research behind Yoga Nidra, take a look at the studies cited by the Integrative Restoration Institute, a pioneering program bringing a specific protocol of Yoga Nidra techniques into Veteran's and Military hospitals. Meanwhile, here's some information on the effects of the Theta brainwave state that is induced by the practice of Yoga Nidra:
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Theta brainwaves
(3.5 to 7 Hz deep relaxation, twilight state)
Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for
centuries: It is common for people to feel as if they are in a trance, where
the mind feels as though it may have gone to sleep although it is conscious of
what is happening around it. Theta induces a capacity for prolonged
daydreaming, where a loss of time may be experienced.
Theta waves are also conducive to visualization and creativity
and the mind in this very relaxed state is highly receptive to direct
suggestion under hypnosis. As with Alpha, in Theta our brain hemispheres are
synchronized and we experience whole brain functioning.
Features and benefits of Theta
Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability
Deep relaxation
Improved memory
Heightened intuition and inspiration
Calms the chatter of your mind
Increased psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection
Health benefits of Theta
Speed healing, improved physical healing
· Release beneficial hormones related to health and longevity
· Sleep onset and better more restful sleep
Reduce mental fatigue
Reduction of anxiety and stress
NOTE: Research has proven thirty minutes a day of Theta
meditation can dramatically improve a person’s overall health and well-being.
Theta meditation has also been known to result in a reduced need for sleep.
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